Pretoria, Thursday 18 June 2020
The Government Employees Pension Fund (GEPF) and its Chairperson, Dr Renosi Mokate, notes with deep concern the false allegations by General Bantu Holomisa to President Ramaphosa stating that Dr Mokate is allegedly part of a group of individuals that have looted state resources by having easy access to PIC and DBSA funds.
Dr Mokate refutes these allegations as unsubstantiated, irresponsible, mischievous and unlawful and as such will be seeking a retraction and removal of the letter from the said website and all other platforms. These allegations are a blatant misrepresentations of facts which cast aspersions on her integrity and character.
The GEPF and Dr Mokate are currently consulting lawyers and will take whatever action is required to clear their good names and reputations. Dr Mokate is not a director of Poseidon Pty Ltd, as alleged by Mr Holomisa, and never has been.
Issued by Government Employees Pension Fund
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